Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Victoria interview from Mediastorm New Design on Vimeo.

The Struggles of Division is a transmedia project focused on understanding teens views on homosexuality and gay marriage and how it has effected there lives. The Struggles of Division will include a documentary film with interactive website that houses interviews as well as factual information on religious beliefs on homosexuality. The work will be presented as part of a symposium on the issue with a panel and showing. The Struggles of Division will open up a door to people with opinions on their sexuality, leaving no restraints with peoples opinion about homosexuality will help others understand how important this topic is and how homosexuality is still a problem for people.

In this video, Victoria is one of the teens that we interviewed and she shared her experience about being a homosexual in New York City. Victoria believed that homosexuals should live there life free with there life style and not be judged by anyone. Victoria's interview tries to open up peoples eyes and help them realize how judgment can hurt people and change people from who they are. Also she explains how religion effects her life style.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


   The Struggles of Division from Mediastorm New Design on Vimeo.

The Struggles of Division is a transmedia project focused on understanding teens views on homosexuality and gay marriage and how it has effected there lives. The Struggles of Division will include a documentary film with interactive website that houses interviews as well as factual information on religious beliefs on homosexuality. The work will be presented as part of a symposium on the issue with a panel and showing. The Struggles of Division will open up a door to people with opinions on their sexuality, leaving no restraints with peoples opinion about homosexuality will help others understand how important this topic is and how homosexuality is still a problem for people.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pre Production
Screenwriting :

Questions for followers of the church:
1) What is your stance on Catholics / Christianity church’s  that accept homosexuality?2) What does it state specifically in the bible that goes against homosexuality?
3) Where do you stand when you hear people questioning the Bible or its intentions about homosexuality with in your life time?
4) What do you think about religious followers protesting at homosexuals funerals?
5)  What do you think of the people that use the bible to instill fear about homosexuality?

Questions for civilian:
1) What is your stand on gay marriage?
2) What is your background when it come to your religious beliefs?
3) Do you attend a church that knows your sexual orientation and are they accepting ?
4) Do you know what the bible says about homosexuality? What do you think about that.
5) What do you think about religious followers protesting at homosexuals funerals?

Storyboarding /Previz (Description)

We will be traveling to different church locations in New York City.
Then we will be meeting various church officials and civilians.To ask them different questions about how they feel about homosexuality and what the bible says about it.
We will then begin to record everyones answers.

Crew, Casting
  • Crew: Amber Jones (Founder/ Interviewer) Tristan Serrano (Researcher) Stephaney Mohamed ( Film Recorder Kouros trains Stephaney)
  • Casting: Church follower 3 (Priest, Bishops, Pastors & Faithful Leaders) Everyday People 3 (Adults & Teens)

  • Between the remainder of February until the beginning of March  

Location ,Sets
  • Location: Between the five boroughs of New York City.
  • Sets: Church’s, Streets

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What Do I Want to Change & Can I Change Them? Why?

What do I want to change and if I can figure out what I want to change am I capable of changing it? When growing up with a parent that looks at life in a different way and living in a big city this comes across my mind every all the time. Many times I tend to underestimate my abilities to change my and other situations. Sometimes I want to change society's view on what life is but I came to the conclusion that every person in society can not change to my liking. There is to much diversity and cultures that plays a roll in people's view point.

Other times I tend to think about changing how many parents have a tendency of not allowing there children to make there own decisions. But knowing that parents are set in there ways and feel that decision making is up to them not the child, either because they do not know better. Even sometimes parents believe that even if the child is capable of making there own decision, the parent will always make them because they know best.

When I think of the idea of change I become scared. Many people have the resources to change anything in life but I tend to think because of my background and who I am I will never create change. I once read this quote “The ends you serve that are selfish will take you no further than yourself but the ends you serve that are for all, in common, will take you into eternity.” ― Marcus Garvey, this quote changed the way I think about my wants and needs of things in life. Many of the things that I wanted to change has now changed. Ive learn to deal and cope with all of my issue I had with society. But I have also realized that my desire for change is not enough I have to have the education to create change to the things I feel is important to my morals and others.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

What Do I Believe Life Is About?

I Amber Jones started to think about my life and what is if worth or what I getting out of the things I'm doing everyday. I began to contemplate on wether I'm wasting my time with attending school and doing all of the extra things that older people tell there youth when growing up. I haven't been sure about what life is about, but I have come to the conclusion that life is the thing that molds you into the person you end up being. 

Life sometimes can be very difficult and simple at times but does this mean that the idea of someone struggle is better than others. Many parents argue about how much they know about life and what your life should be but who can truly know what life is if there life is different for everyone. Every person experience life differently so how can someone tell how you should live your life.

Life for me is about becoming happy with any kind situation that I may face. I believe when I become happy with myself, others, and any situation that I face in life. The idea of living life with no regrets with how my life shaped me can be the moment when I realize what my life was truly about. Life is also about making mistakes and learning from them and improving yourself to your satisfactory. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What do I question and why?

What do I question? Do I question myself more or others? Do I question the world around me or just go through the motions like so many others around me? I Amber Jones thought about this for a very long time and I believe that I question myself more than I question other people. Questioning other people seems in a way, pointless because these many questions I have may never be answered. I question myself instead. I'm never sure about what I should do with many of the problems I face. I am always second guessing myself about the quality of work I'm capable of doing and even the reason I'm doing the work at all. 

Ever so often when I am faced with conflicting problems, I realize that I don't necessarily understand what I'm doing or why I'm doing it and I question this about my life also. If there were things I am supposed to be doing, would I be questioning these things at all or would I already know why I'm doing them? Should I even be questioning these things or is life the way we live it designed to be gone through like a robot? What makes it okay to go through life with little to no knowledge of why we do the things we do? 

I find myself questioning things because I don't understand them in general. If I don't understand things is it okay to still do them or is it wrong to pursue things I have no understanding of? How many people don't understand the things they do? I've realized that a lot of the things I find myself trying to do or accomplish are in the process of trying to find happiness or gain an extra buck. When people keep jobs they hate is a direct example of this. This leads me to ask why not find something to do that can help improve not only ones life but also the world around them. This would cancel out people doing pointless things and could even benefit the world in general. There would be no more people doing things just because but instead people would be helping others just for the heck of it.